The December Solstice Compilation
Petroglyph Music 2024
track: Journey into the Unknown

To The Moon And Back
Out on Tape (regular and special edition)
and digital releases on Grubenwehrfreiburg, 2024
review on African Paper (German)
review on African Paper google-translated into English and Italian

The September Equinox compilation 2024

Paper art-poster with original illustrations and Bandcamp download.
Limited to 100 numbered copies
GattoAlieno – 2022
This musical interpretation of the myth illustrates how Medusa's is the story of a witch-hunt, a case of victim blaming where the real perpetrator is condoned, thus turning her into a symbol of all the victims of sexual abuse.
Music and lyrics by Noise Cluster [Flavio Derbekannte and Arianna Degni Lombardo]
Drawings, visuals and artwork by Arianna Degni Lombardo
Guest musicians:
Klarita Pandolfi-Carr: lead vocals #1and #5; backing vocals #2
Fabio Magnasciutti: lead vocals #2
KimsonJa: lead vocals #4 and #5
Arianna Degni Lombardo: lead vocals #5
Francesco 'Pusio': piano #3 and electric piano #6
Yukichan: backing vocals #2
This release has been printed on high-quality recycled paper
and comes without plastic musical media to help reduce the carbon footprint.

Extreme Sleepwalking
a collaboration with Stigmate
out on Grubenwehr 2022
Tape ltd. 50 pieces and bandcamp

Cycles (Ten Years of Electronomicon) Vol II - E-Con Samplers Melbourne, Australia
Track: Semper Idem RMX - 2021
Hardly anything would sound more unnatural than a collaboration between Lyke Wake and Noise Cluster: on the one hand an artist who has renounced drum machines since time immemorial, focusing on symphonic compositions, on the other a duo who advocates techno beats and IDM.
Yet, such a completely opposite approach to industrial music has sparked this rather unique fusion of styles that gives the listener the very best of the two worlds.
Tape ltd.ed. 60 pcs + digital - Luce Sia 2020
track for
"Das Grubenpferd" Tape
Sampler Noise, Drone, Industrial, Synth.11 Artists and 13 Songs.
the Tape comes in a CD-Shell with a 16-page booklet and a card with a painting and text.
limited to 50 pieces.
feat: Grodock, Materialeinschüchterung, Dieter Müh, B°Tong, Jugendwerkhof, Carsten Vollmer, Noise Cluster, Drywud, Aaron Karnov, TMS, Ale Hop
or Bandcamp
Sept 2018
track for the free-download tribute compilation for Dmitry Vasilyev, author of Viva Italia!
Monochrome Visions (For Dmitry Vasilyev)
track #63: Strounds [viva Dmitry!]
Sept 2018
NC's track for the Submarine Broadcasting Company's charity compilation
"Exhibition: vol. Red/1"
April 2018
a collaboration with Impermanenza Armonica
for the GattiRossiCheCadono comp. vol 2
Tape/digital download
an 8-track concept-album inspired by La isla De Las Munecas
Luce Sia, 2017
the noise beneath the snow (en)
rockerilla (it)
NC's track for the Patetico Records' charity compilation: "Rock Back: Stronger than the storm"
a collaboration with Impermanenza Armonica
from the 3rd Spettro Records compilation